Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I can do web 3.0, me

Has Twitter reached a tipping point?

Having been told I was already 10 years too old to 'deal' with FaceBook, and MySpace, and proving it by not responding to endless Funwall and slightly more intimate invitations to be someone called Candy's 'special friend', I have to say a big thank you for at least being deemed 'normal' at last.

FWIW, I think Second Life is pretty keen, and might... make that might see some value in hooking up something like Twitter as an interactive complement to an eco-conference idea I am working on.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Nice to see a little humility...

...in the right places.

Paul McCartney: grace under fire

'A few journalists had been invited, with perhaps ten leading British music critics sitting in the studio control room.'

That what it said on the seat backs? Or is being '.. in a hurry to get elsewhere' what gets one the qualification?

Now, I know Mr. McCormick has a long and noble career, and might well be in that exhalted circle, but it just came across a bit 'thee... and then there's me' this end.

And I often wonder if the value of such media representatives might be a tad less without the name of their employers, and the audiences they reach, on the card.

Just a thought.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Nanny says no

Spike the ASA, not the Cactus Kid

Seesm to me that we are moving more and more away from what breaks rules, to what some folk thinks ought not to be. Sad.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Who needs paying for their work any more?

Oasis plunders Sir Cliff? Leave 'em to it

Just a thought.

Can I lift your body of work and flog it as mine to someone (best to check for precedent with the Guardian legal guys)?

Nah, you're right. Who'd buy it?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The sword with two edges.

Punch. Why the KO?

The sword with two edges: The internet.

A world of an audience is presented. But a very hard to access set of pockets for your craft.

Doesn't perhaps explain the ongoing (long may it last) success of the other two, but as one who is involved in music production I'd hazard that, much as folk like the product, if they don't have to pay to get it... they won't.