Thursday, March 5, 2009

It was a worthy USP...

Fury over Nationwide's travel money U-turn

... and one I appreciated and took advantage of. A worthy investment, IMHO.

Am I 'furious'? No, just saddened. By yet another example of the culture of beans and their counting in this process over product society. And I'll vote with my wallet and feet, accordingly.

Now our finest business and marketing minds seem determined to adopt a 'me-too' approach across the board, which makes them all effectively clones in my mind.

Maybe they should save money by firing the geniuses in these departments, and the money they blow on trumpeting ads whose messages last only fleetingly, and just devote themselves to taking money in, paying pitiful interest on savings and as much as they can screw to lend it out.

And my basis for giving them my custom will be only which ATM is nearest to my front door to access the bare minimum of cash float I need each week. Nice one.

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