Sunday, May 10, 2009

Never mind the quality...

So who actually won the Great Bra War? No one

I'm pretty sure I know who loses, and that is an already discredited media estate.

Fresh from getting the brand top of mind 'responding' by charging folk for plastic bags, M&S's PR geniuses concoct the next big thing (sorry)...

"Group" expresses outrage - result
Media respond - result
M&S responds - result
M&S runs ad - result
Media run articles on add even, bizzarely, working in a political culture of apology angle - result

Usually that's it. But now we have media consumes itself - even more result!

Ever feel you've been had?

ps: I think Hazel Blears is taking her 32 inch LCD TVs back in to swap for 50 inchers, but at least it won't cost the taxpayer any more.
