Saturday, June 7, 2008

Watched, but still defiant

Genius. Not sure if it counts as bias, but...

I am just watching the latest episode of Newsexcuse.... sorry... watch.

A viewer makes some truly brilliant points about plain bizarre reporting standards (a story on the North/South 'health divide', illustrated to serve the agenda du jour by focusing on middle-aged, beer-swilling, fag-smoking Mancunians a pub, and in comparison young, buff Devonians... working out in a gym).

I will give presenter Ray Snoddy full marks for trying but, surprise, surprise, the editorial BBCer in a blazer simply says no, he didn't see an issue.

I truly do wonder what the point of this show is, at least in this form. Is it just to log a complaint as 'addressed' (7.45am on a Saturday to compensate for 10pm primetime news) and give some smug senior type a chance to vent at being got up early at the weekend by saying 'It didn't happen. Or if it did it doesn't matter. Or if does what are you going to do about it anyway?'

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