Thursday, May 29, 2008

Green dirtier?


Hard comment to follow, that, if not in glowingly positive terms.

But it is a suggestion with some merit, if the critique on a post on Greenwashing seems a little po-faced, especially on a blog (not an entity oft noted for wall-to-wall thumby-uppiness in my experience. I am prepared to bet a few posts of late have even used the word 'hate' if I recall) on this topic.

So, Mark, your starter for, um, ten? Fresh ideas (and what's not to like if they are?) showing brands are making genuine efforts and sharing them in their comms appropriately and creatively.

I was going to pop a few down (and I'm sure there are some), but honestly will have to have a ponder and come back.

I agree with Chris on bags and booklets (just got an insert from one outfit who had commissioned the Guardian and an eco-expert. Being they are online I thought that was choice), but whilst most certainly a cliche a long life (if they are), low energy bulb is better than most. And hence welcome (would even save the PM a red face on the old receipts).

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